Name: Royals TreasureBox
What you can get when you open a "Royals TreasureBox"?
- 3 Netherite Ingots
- 5 Netherite Ingots
- Netherite Block
- Abiding (Enchantment)
- Unbreakable (Enchanment)
- Heroic Shiva's Excavator (Shovel)
- Heroic Axe of Perseus (Axe)
- Heroic Pickaxe of Hephaestus (Pickaxe)
- The Butcher's Cleaver (Axe)
- Bloodstone Rapier of Kronos (Sword)
- The Fiend (Bow)
- Master Warlock Veil (Helmet)
- Heroic Warlock Robe (Chestplate)
- Heroic Warlock Bottoms (Leggings)
- Ghostly Call of the Banshee (Boots)
- Exp 160,000
- Exp 680,000
- $100k in game Money
- $150k in game Money
- $200k in game Money
- Ragnarok (Bow) [Special]
- Sentry's Wrath (CrossBow) [Special]
- Infernal Wings (Elytra) [Special]
- 2 Royal's TreasureBox Keys [Ultra Rare]
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